Friday, March 14, 2025

Monday, May 18, 2009

Coach O'Brien: The Workout Warrior

Bruce Feldman of ESPN put out a Top-10 list in his blog entry today of the nation's fittest head coaches. Coach O'Brien represented NC State well, ranking #8 on Feldman's list. Here is what he had to say about the Pack's well-oiled machine:

"No. 8. Tom O'Brien, NC State: Rain, snow or whatever, this 60-year-old Marine is going to get his run in. In fact, after he did his introductory press conference when he was named the Pack's head coach two years ago, he had a State staffer find him some shorts so he could go run."

Not to take away anything from the other coaches on the list, but let's see if they are still making the cut when they are 60. By no means am I inferring that Coach is old. The man is in his prime. Let's be real, how many coaches did he beat out that are in their 30's, 40's and 50's. Keep it up Coach!


6 Responses to "Coach O'Brien: The Workout Warrior"
  1. ppack3 said...
    May 18, 2009 at 5:38 PM

    If there is one thing that you can count on (among the many) from Tom O'Brien, it is a game day run. For those of us lucky enough to park in the RV lot on gameday, we can take the party to the Carter whenever we want. without fail, and no matter the opponent, Coach O'Brien comes through The Murph's lot on his cool down. Invariably, I have a beer in one hand and some sort of repugnant fatty food in the other. I may not make it to see 60, but Tom has a lot left in the tank!
    I wonder why people even speculate that Coach O'Brien is going to retire at the end of his contract in 2012. Did Joe Pa. look this good at 60? Does anyone out there believe that Bobby Bowden could hold TOB's jock on the track at 60? I don't believe that they could. We have ourselves a Warrior. A General. Every Saturday (or Thursday) he takes his men into battle. There will be no men left behind. There will be no prisoners. There will be blood, sweat and tears. And, there will be Hero's. This is what young men sign up for at NC State these days, a five year tour of duty. Hoo Ha. Go Pack!

  2. Unknown said...
    May 19, 2009 at 3:43 AM

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  3. TruthBKnown Returns said...
    May 19, 2009 at 10:35 AM

    ppack3, I always enjoy your posts. I hope you're kidding about you not making it to 60. I hope you find a way to prioritize your health. Eat those fatty foods and drink those beers, just do it in moderation. Nearly everything is ok in moderation.

    Glad to hear TOB is staying fit. I hope we keep him well beyond his 2012 end of contract.

    GO PACK!!!

  4. Wolfpack Hoops said...
    May 19, 2009 at 10:41 AM

    You had me rolling with that one!

  5. ppack3 said...
    May 19, 2009 at 11:20 AM

    I was kidding about making it to 60. I reserve the right to live a little on Game Days. O'Brien doesn't mind a pint of Guiness once in a while either!
    Also, players, ultimately, reflect their coaches in many ways. TOB is through sifting throung the guys that are willing to 'get with the Program.' A number of guys that were left over from the previous staff had a difficult, and sometimes impossible, time adjusting to the TOB way of life. They saw a lot of pine over the last two years, regardless of their talent level. This transition has been a process for sll involved, including staff, coaches and players. But, the transformation is in it's latter stages, and the Coaches are only bringing in guys who fit the mold. They are honest in what it is that they are selling to these young men, and they are steadfast in their regard for the process of shaping these individuals into coachable, hard-working and upstanding men.
    All of these things translate into a classy and stable platform for a winning environment. With leaders like Wilson, Baker and Irving (among others) victories are going to be the rule rather than the exception.
    The future is bright in Raleigh, NC.
    Go State!

  6. TruthBKnown Returns said...
    May 19, 2009 at 1:46 PM

    "The future is bright in Raleigh, NC."

    Yes it is, ppack3, Yes it is!


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