Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sharing The Wealth: Q&A with Dick Sheridan

Ken Tysiac of the N&O got the chance to sit down with former NC State Coach Dick Sheridan on Tuesday night. Here is a small excerpt from the Q&A, but make sure to read it in its entirety:

Q: Coach, how much fun is it for you and how much pride do you have being around the red and white and on the sidelines?

A: It's very enjoyable to me. I have a lot of respect for Coach (Tom) O'Brien and his staff. I like watching them work and the pace and tempo of practice and the teaching that's going on. They're doing a fantastic job in my opinion and I have a lot of respect for them.

Q: Obviously you have some special pride, though, being back around the program a little bit?

A: Oh yeah. Hopefully I'll always feel a part of it. I feel like I'm in another place with these facilities. It's beautiful what they've done with these facilities, and I just think there's a lot of good things ahead for N.C. State.

Q: Do you plan to come back and speak to the team at some point?

A: Well, they don't know who I am and they don't care (laughing). It would be an honor to come back and do that. . . .I've been invited to toss the coin before the North Carolina game. I guess they felt like we had some good luck against the Tar Heels. Maybe I can bring a little luck.


1 Response to "Sharing The Wealth: Q&A with Dick Sheridan"
  1. Mr. Duprey said...
    August 21, 2009 at 8:47 AM

    Love to have me some Sheridan days sitting on the grass hill and knocking the snot out of UNC under a Carolina Blue sky.


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